A Brief, Impolitic, and Wholly Botanical Satire
with Theological and Ontological Petals Strewn Throughout,
All Set to the Tune of Flight of the Bumblebee
Played on Nero’s Fiddle at 65 MPH
Whilst the Violinist Is
A) Driving Completely Soused Over a Rickety Bridge with a Blond Bombshell Who Is Decidedly Not His Wife in the Dead Middle of the Night for God Knows What Reason
B) Captaining a Patrol Craft Fast (PCF) in Southeastern Asia from Below Deck and Inhaling Rather Earnestly from the Diesel Fumes-cum-Cannabis Emitting Therefrom.
So the two daughters of Lot were with child by their father.
Emerges in echoes of faithless Sodom -
Negotiates politic beans with drowned bloom
Navigating your rhetorical blood.
Easy climber, you betray the catholic dead
Deferring an underground birthright with stems
In flower failing to bridge the curse that shames -
Another Brahmin bloom yanked from Irish sod.
Kerria, your florid generation's styled
Epaulettes are doves' wings, an Easter rose
Renewing Sgt. Pepper's purple haze.
Regret's your summer of love. Gomorrah filed
It under nature's war with her own creed
And power lusting for governance of God.